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So Says Japan: Friends & Family

Survey Guessing Game
 So Says Japan: Friends & Family
So Says Japan: Friends & Family

1,800 yen


So Says Japan: Friends & Family

A "survey says..." type guessing game based on Friends and Family survey questions. All the information in the cards has been recently gathered from Japanese men and women aged 18 - 30. Players may be shocked to find out what the most or least popular answers are!

As with all Tanuki games, communication and fun are central to their design. So Says Japan is also very fast to set up and extremely fun to play. With our free printable resources the game can scale from small to large classrooms. As well as to play the game, the cards can be used as conversation starters, writing aids and for speaking practice. 


Each set of So Says Japan contains 52 unquie question cards, 3 cards with language aids to play the game with and a rule book with a score sheet. You will need some small coins or tokens to play with. 


Try our free Print and Play Version or this small sample of the first eight cards from Friends and Family. Print larger boards from the PDF below to play with more people.


Friends and Family Sample






Thank you if you have bought So Says Japan: Friends and Family. Here you can download a full set of the cards in a large format PDF. It is password protected. To access you need a four digit number. The first two digits are the percentage of men who think sports is a good topic for conversation. The second two digits are what percentage of people think school is a good place to make friends:





So Says Japan: Friends & Family

1,800 yen


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